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Your Love Offering

Give today to make a positive difference in our ministry and our world!


Your contribution helps ensure we can continue to uplift and feed the spiritually hungry through our inspirational worship services, youth programs, spiritual education workshops, charitable outreach programs, and more. Without you, our work would not be possible.


Every gift counts; please give what you can!


Thank you for making our ministry a part of your life, and helping us to make the world a better place by reaching out to all people with our hearts, hands, prayers and messages of hope, care, and unconditional love and acceptance.


Give today or set up a recurring contribution using your debit card or credit card.

Through Your Phone

Simply text “Give” to

(805) 429-6214.

The system will walk you through the rest.

Mail Your Gift

You may mail your gift to:
Unity of the Oaks
P.O. Box 7568
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359


Please make checks payable to Unity of the Oaks, and put “Love Offering” in the Memo

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QR Code

Scan this QR Code to make a donation.

* If donating from outside of the U.S., use "CA" for state when placing your address in the billing information section. If you have any challenges, feel free to contact our office at Thank you for your gift!"

We are a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Our tax ID is: 91-2125586

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