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Prayer Request

We are here in prayer for you.

Please fill out the form below if you or someone you care about needs prayer. We keep all requests completely confidential.

If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, please use the form below to submit your request. We hold all requests in strict confidence. 

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Lit Candles

Unity’s Five-Step Prayer Process

Feel The Strength Of Prayer
Silent Unity


Set aside time each day for prayer. Begin your quiet time by relaxing your body and opening your mind to an awareness of God. Breathe deeply, knowing that you are in the presence of God and the presence of God is within you. Let go of your concerns and know that all is well.


As you close your eyes and release any thought of the world around you, begin to think about God … about God’s presence in your life. Focus your mind on a single thought or idea or scripture that resonates with you. Repeat this idea over and over, either silently or aloud until it becomes your only thought.


Allow this focused state of mind to move you into a deeper awareness of God. “Be still … and know that I am God.” Be still as you connect with this divine presence within you.


From the depth of your being, know that you are one with God. This knowing, this realization as you experience God’s holy presence is “silent soul communion.” In this receptive state of mind and heart, listen for the inspiration of God, the answers to your prayers.

Give Thanks

Let gratitude be your heart’s joyous response to this experience of communion with God and with God’s infinite goodness. Give thanks for blessings to come, ready to receive your good.

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